And Then She Graduated

She did it! Our girl graduated from UNCG with honors and has already landed a job in her field. I am amazed (but not surprised) at these accomplishments. After spending years preparing my heart for sending her off to college, it is odd how quickly it seems to have happened and is over. (I realize... Continue Reading →

Fun – On being happily married.

A few years ago, while visiting my aunt and uncle in Minnesota, I slept in my cousin Sarah's childhood room. She is married with two children and is one of the most tenderhearted people I know. She thinks and feels and loves deeply.  She is a "long-hugger." Even though she is many years younger than... Continue Reading →

Sometimes, I suck.

"Sometimes, I suck." This is one of my favorite funny things our son, Nick, said when he was little. A few days earlier, our family had been chatting about candy. Rob prides himself on being disciplined enough to NOT crunch lollipops and other hard candies. He keeps a Jolly Rancher in his mouth long enough... Continue Reading →

Puzzle Pieces

My edges hurt a little. This is my word picture for how I feel when I am together with people I love... and then not. This weekend was Fall Break and Elizabeth and Nick were home for a few days. All of us together in the nest! It was dreamy. I love how quickly we... Continue Reading →

Quite a Week

It is Sunday afternoon - a week ago, I wrote this: We have less than a week left before our youngest heads off to college.  Nick has six more nights at home before he moves into his dorm room at UNC-Wilmington.  Six.  That's it. I decided at the beginning of his Senior year to cherish... Continue Reading →


You've got to give a little, take a little, and let your poor heart break a little. That's the story of, that's the glory of love. You've got to laugh a little, cry a little, until the clouds roll by a little. That's the story of, that's the glory of love. These lyrics have been... Continue Reading →

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