Meatballs and Jesus. A Faith Story.

I have friends whose faith stories contain dramatic contrasts between before and after deciding to follow Jesus. I'm always inspired and encouraged by their stories. For many years, I believed my story was too boring to inspire. I've also been tempted to believe that my story disqualified me from sharing with people who are not... Continue Reading →

Pandemic Lessons

Now that my vaccination card has both doses recorded, and guidelines suggest it is safer to resume more and more "normal" living, I am enjoying getting re-acquainted with the feelings of freedom once (unknowingly) taken for granted. I believe I'll be mindful of and treasuring these freedoms for the rest of my days. Things like:... Continue Reading →

New Gratitude – Easter, 2020

I've been thinking about The Grinch a lot lately. How he tried to steal Christmas, but couldn't. Seems like there's been a new "Grinch" in town, taking a lot of what we had, (or thought we had). As a civilization, we've lost much. People have lost their lives, or a loved one to COVID-19. To... Continue Reading →

And Then She Graduated

She did it! Our girl graduated from UNCG with honors and has already landed a job in her field. I am amazed (but not surprised) at these accomplishments. After spending years preparing my heart for sending her off to college, it is odd how quickly it seems to have happened and is over. (I realize... Continue Reading →

Puzzle Pieces

My edges hurt a little. This is my word picture for how I feel when I am together with people I love... and then not. This weekend was Fall Break and Elizabeth and Nick were home for a few days. All of us together in the nest! It was dreamy. I love how quickly we... Continue Reading →


A young man in our community went to Heaven on Saturday.  I don't just mean that he passed away.  I really mean that he went to Heaven.  His faith in and reliance on Christ gives me this certainty.  Those of us who knew him are finding much comfort in this, even as we grieve with... Continue Reading →

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