And Then She Graduated

She did it! Our girl graduated from UNCG with honors and has already landed a job in her field. I am amazed (but not surprised) at these accomplishments. After spending years preparing my heart for sending her off to college, it is odd how quickly it seems to have happened and is over. (I realize... Continue Reading →

The Spin: A Bigger Roof

It has been 4 weeks since we helped Elizabeth move in to her dorm room.  I couldn't write about it until now...and now I have so much to say that I feel almost paralyzed. Where to start?  If I try to tell it all, in proper order, it will be a garbled mess.  There have... Continue Reading →

Strawberries and Area Rugs

Today was Elizabeth's last Sunday at Lifepointe before going to college.  A year ago (when there were 52), I was working hard not to count down the number of Sundays before college.  Now, there is no denying that there are "zero." I've been away the past week, chaperoning Nick's Band Camp in the mountains. If... Continue Reading →

a tiny spark

I am pretty sure that today, God gave me my book. I have felt for a long time that there is a book in me.  At one point, I thought it was going to be a book chronicling our family’s potty training journey (the highlights of that time have entertained many friends and acquaintances), but... Continue Reading →

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